Strategic Energetics for Self Love
It has been normalized to let other things, people, size, weight, beauty standards, define how you feel about yourself, and that being confident about how you feel about yourself is not normalized.
What I’ve learned is - when you start asking yourself how YOU want to feel about yourself and take action and align with that— you actually feel how YOU want to feel about yourself.
Honestly, who actually WANTS to be unhappy with how their body looks? Who wants to be miserable with themselves? I’ve learned most women WANT to love themselves, they want to feel that peace and safety when they look in the mirror or get dressed, they want to be able to sit with themselves and feel calm, worthy to be who they are, as they are, always enough - but they don’t know how. These are not things we have been taught by society, it’s not normal to build a relationship with yourself, to love yourself and to actually love your body.
When you become strategic and intentional with how you want to feel about yourself, and you align with that- think, feel, be - everything aligned with that feeling and energy - you become it. You can. You will. You’re worthy of it, and you deserve it.
You deserve to love yourself.
You are beautiful you are worthy you are enough always.