Detach You Worth From your Clothing Size.
(Clothing) size is a neutral energy. Depending on the energy you give it, that’s how it will affect you. While your body is very physical, clothing size is not. When you give it energy that correlates to your body, that’s when it becomes physical. When you treat it as neutral energy, it just is, allowing it to exist, energetically. Nothing more, nothing less. You then, have the choice to either absorb that energy, or let it be, as it is... existing, but not absorbing. You choose, with your power and intention.
Clothing size can be just a thing, that has no effect on you, or your body, or your worth, or your emotions, when you decide to just let it be a thing... that has no effect on you, or your body, or your worth, or your emotions, etc, etc.
It's in the power of intention of how you feel about the clothing size. It's about your personal power. It's about the standards you hold for yourself. It's about the responibility you take on how you want to feel about yourself and what you allow to affect that. The common denominator in all of these things is you, as it should be. When you quiet the external noise telling you that you should want to be a different size, or that your clothing size should be something that makes you either happy or sad (a.k.a. controlling your feelings, worth, emotions), you get to decide the standard you want to set for yourself, and the power you let (or not), your clothing size have over you. You get to feel confident wearing what you want, how you want, why wouldn't you?
The thing is... no woman ever really wants to feel bad about herself or how her body looks, or what size jeans she's buying, its just over time, this has been normalized to women, almost expected. And it's not your fault. Chances are, it happened without you realizing it, maybe even from a young age. So, while it may not have been your fault, because you didn't know any different. You do now. Now, it's your responsibility. Trust yourself. Own it. Use it. Love it. Love yourself, Love your body. Decide you are not available for any less. Accept nothing less. Be nothing less.
Love you
DRESS x ash is a brand that detaches your clothing size from your worth, emotions, and energy, by empowering you to feel the best you’ve ever felt in your body. Because you deserve to love yourself. Because you deserve nothing less.